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Joshua S. Barnes | He/ Him<;!!PxiZbSOawA!KQA3I_N_moPn3gIbgVnMtuVBA7yAHUcXkPxhqLi7eMrH0vGYxDhVXHrIBAi3MC6po0mj2ozrVgFicMLDX8dxh7c6JWkTswLsrJA$ >

CUNY Office of Research: Research Development & Programs<> | Administrative Coordinator

Queens College<>, City University of New York | Adjunct Lecturer

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From: NYC Climate Justice Hub <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Welcome to the NYC Climate Justice Hub Newsletter!

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friends and allies
of climate justice!

Welcome to the first newsletter for the NYC Climate Justice Hub<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJY-2neY8$>!

Launched in September 2023, the Hub is a partnership between the City University of New York (CUNY)<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJg4z5xzc$> —the nation’s largest public urban university—and the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance (NYC-EJA)<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJiyATpkk$> —a coalition of grassroots organizations that have led the fight for climate justice in NYC since 1991. With its home base at the Center for the Humanities<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJiamnVdU$> at the CUNY Graduate Center<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJmOW3SZI$>, the Hub unites CUNY and NYC-EJA to strengthen and fortify just transition efforts led by frontline communities of color across NYC.

You are receiving this newsletter because you attended a Hub-sponsored event, are participating in one of our programs, work with one of our partners, or have expressed interest in the Hub. Our newsletters will be sent out monthly and include information about upcoming events, program updates, announcements, and opportunities to get involved in the Hub.

Please share the sign-up link<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJQqlqmLw$>!

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About the Hub

Research Teams

Each of the six participating NYC-EJA member groups has been paired with a research team coordinated by CUNY faculty and students and supported by the Hub. The teams are conducting research on behalf of their assigned NYC-EJA organization partner toward that organization’s campaign goals and priorities. Six research teams consisting of two professors and one or two graduate students were launched on January 24th and will work through December. Additional Research Teams will also support NYC-EJA city and state-wide coalitions such as PEAK Coalition<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJ7jLKxjQ$> and NY Renews<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJbyTR2hM$>.

NYC-EJA member groups:

Brooklyn Movement Center<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJOVEom3E$> (Central Brooklyn)
El Puente<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJxCHggfY$> (Williamsburg and Bushwick)
Nos Quedamos<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJrdtdriE$> (Melrose and Greater South Bronx)
Good Old Lower East Side<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJRWh0K7Y$> (Lower East Side)
The Point CDC<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJwG13wKs$> (Hunts Point)
UPROSE<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJ_u9VDnM$> (Sunset Park)

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Classes & Curriculum

The Classes & Curriculum initiative enables CUNY faculty teaching a course at any level (graduate, undergraduate, etc.) to meet with each other, share syllabi, and learn how to connect their curriculum to climate justice content supported by NYC-EJA organizations and their campaigns. Community knowledge and learning are fostered between universities and local organizations through a variety of platforms, including site visits and classroom visits, guest speakers, and collaborative capstone projects. This initiative kicked off on January 31st with an engaging workshop for participating faculty, who are in the process of submitting proposals for projects they wish to conduct alongside NYC-EJA member organizations.

[;!!PxiZbSOawA!KQA3I_N_moPn3gIbgVnMtuVBA7yAHUcXkPxhqLi7eMrH0vGYxDhVXHrIBAi3MC6po0mj2ozrVgFicMLDX8dxh7c6JWkTQJf_zDg$ ]

Climate Justice Fellowship

This initiative provides an emerging generation of climate justice leaders across CUNY with the skills, networks, and opportunities to advance climate solutions through study, service-learning, professional development, research and advocacy projects, and campaign and policy development. The Fellowship is open to graduate and undergraduate students at CUNY who are eager to join the climate justice fight alongside the NYC-EJA member organizations and the communities they serve, which are at the frontlines. The first cohort of the Fellowship will begin in June, and applications will open soon.

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Hub Highlight

[;!!PxiZbSOawA!KQA3I_N_moPn3gIbgVnMtuVBA7yAHUcXkPxhqLi7eMrH0vGYxDhVXHrIBAi3MC6po0mj2ozrVgFicMLDX8dxh7c6JWkTlVy8iog$ ]

Meet Paul Odér
Climate Justice Hub Research Teams Fellow

What's your role at the Hub?

Most of my responsibilities center on the research goals of the Hub, including assembling research teams, facilitating communication between each research team, and supporting the graduate student research assistants on each team.

What environmental/climate justice issue are you particularly passionate about?

One environmental justice issue that I'm passionate about is lead poisoning, particularly in New York. I've been studying lead for almost eight years now, and it is also the focus of my dissertation. Lead poisoning is a climate justice issue because elevated levels of lead exposure in New York are typically found in communities already overburdened by intersecting environmental hazards.

What excites you most about working with the Hub?

Working at the Hub has been my favorite experience as a graduate student worker. The Hub's mission directly relates to my own dissertation research, and being able to aid environmental/climate justice groups in conducting meaningful research to help working-class communities across New York feels like a natural extension of my academic agenda. Plus, having great coworkers who are extremely accommodating has been a great help in expanding my professional repertoire while advancing toward a degree.

Recap of the Hub Launch

If you missed the September 19th launch event, you can take a look at some special moments, such as the remarks given by Elizabeth Yeampierre, Executive Director of UPROSE:

[;!!PxiZbSOawA!KQA3I_N_moPn3gIbgVnMtuVBA7yAHUcXkPxhqLi7eMrH0vGYxDhVXHrIBAi3MC6po0mj2ozrVgFicMLDX8dxh7c6JWkTRDIAdYY$ ]<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJJ4sTf2w$>

Elizabeth Yeampierre, UPROSE's Executive Director, at the Hub's Launch Panel.

Along with Yeampierre, we were pleased to host an array of esteemed guests and speakers:

  *   The Honorable Letitia James, New York State Attorney General
  *   The Honorable Jumaane Williams, New York City Public Advocate
  *   Joshua C Brumberg, CUNY GC Interim President
  *   Alexandria McBride, Strategy Director of Waverley Street Foundation
  *   Eddie Bautista, Executive Director of NYC-EJA and NYC Climate Justice Hub Co-Director
  *   Mike Menser, Associate Professor at Brooklyn College and NYC Climate Justice Hub Co-Director
  *   Ryan Mann-Hamilton, Associate Professor of Anthropology in the Social Science Department at Laguardia College and Co-Director of Casa de las Americas
  *   Denise Thompson, Associate Professor of Disaster Risk Management, Resilience, and Sustainable Development in the Department of Public Management at John Jay College for Criminal Justice
  *   Mariposa Fernández, English Department Lecturer at Lehman College

Representatives from NYC-EJA member organizations participating in the Hub:

  *   Marco Carrión, Executive Director of El Puente
  *   Jessica Clemente, Chief Executive Officer of We Stay/Nos Quedamos
  *   Damaris Reyes, Executive Director of Good Old Lower East Side (GOLES)
  *   Maria Torres, President and Chief Operating Officer of The Point CDC
  *   Michael Higgins, Senior Organizer for Housing and Sustainability of Brooklyn Movement Center

You can watch the full recap (press conference<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJswFLq6w$> and panel discussion<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJ4e7Rk9Q$>) here<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJztsuLGE$>.

Stay connected!
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[NYC CJH website]<;!!PxiZbSOawA!Mv2QSX8nb4FjnNrHF8FAvZ6cqQm1r1jzKNfr4oht_COa_TsYO9LE2jvDvxRHhoMSY3ortHCAbsmtmNmJHDFkW8yBuqcqSAeJ-F1Tbbc$>








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